This mudflood idea is such nonsense. How are people still talking about this? If there was a massive worldwide mudflood, where did all the mud come from? Did it rain mud? It makes zero sense.
The documentary “When the buildings cried” explains what happened very clearly and completely blows this dumb mudflood idea out of the water.
The reason buildings changed is because the materials we use to build things have changed. Not sure they had a lot of plastic in the 1700s. This lady gave me a headache. Everything she said was completely insane.
Forgot to add on other comment: not sure if there was slot of dry wall, insulation, all the crazy new metal compositions we use to build. She had me so flustered. Crazy people.
Alright, alright, alright I also agree with this woman but also think there’s more to the story. Sam get Martin Liedtke on the show please. There’s proof of romans having electromagnetic weapons, there’s proof that America was covered in civilizations and that America may even have been the old old world before the flood. Here’s a link to a newspaper from I think in 1848 talking about all the antiquities in America. Left hand side
And also there’s a newspaper clip from 1807 talking about a new weapon that can take out an entire city. It described the weapon as something eerily similar to all the pictures we see of the rubble covered cities from the 1800’s. Seriously though get Martin Liedtke on cause he’s the fucking shit.
Scarlet Begonias
September 25, 2021 at 1:22 pmLog in to Reply
ALL HANDS ON DECK SITUATION-The house passed a red flag gun confiscation bill to take guns from former military, this will set precedent to take guns from everyone. Call and/or email your senators then tell your friends to do the same because if the senate passes it, Biden will definitely sign it. Spread the word on all your social media.
Make sure to look up the final scene in the movie meet me in St. Louis. They go to the world fair and literally mention the mud flood. Talk about predictive programming! Look it up folks it’s wild!!
Johhny was cookin sam whole intro.
This mudflood idea is such nonsense. How are people still talking about this? If there was a massive worldwide mudflood, where did all the mud come from? Did it rain mud? It makes zero sense.
The documentary “When the buildings cried” explains what happened very clearly and completely blows this dumb mudflood idea out of the water.
If you haven’t seen it, it’s a must watch.
That lady is batshit crazy
“Never go full retard.”
The reason buildings changed is because the materials we use to build things have changed. Not sure they had a lot of plastic in the 1700s. This lady gave me a headache. Everything she said was completely insane.
Forgot to add on other comment: not sure if there was slot of dry wall, insulation, all the crazy new metal compositions we use to build. She had me so flustered. Crazy people.
Love the show rock out with your cock out 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Alright, alright, alright I also agree with this woman but also think there’s more to the story. Sam get Martin Liedtke on the show please. There’s proof of romans having electromagnetic weapons, there’s proof that America was covered in civilizations and that America may even have been the old old world before the flood. Here’s a link to a newspaper from I think in 1848 talking about all the antiquities in America. Left hand side
And also there’s a newspaper clip from 1807 talking about a new weapon that can take out an entire city. It described the weapon as something eerily similar to all the pictures we see of the rubble covered cities from the 1800’s. Seriously though get Martin Liedtke on cause he’s the fucking shit.
ALL HANDS ON DECK SITUATION-The house passed a red flag gun confiscation bill to take guns from former military, this will set precedent to take guns from everyone. Call and/or email your senators then tell your friends to do the same because if the senate passes it, Biden will definitely sign it. Spread the word on all your social media.
Make sure to look up the final scene in the movie meet me in St. Louis. They go to the world fair and literally mention the mud flood. Talk about predictive programming! Look it up folks it’s wild!!
Jerry Seinfeld said on a late night show that his dad was an incubator baby. Things that make u go hmmmmm
Check out post offices across the world. Lots and lots of Roman-Greko architecture