TFH #467: Bohemian Grove, The Illuminati Game and Everything You Know About Hawaii Is Fake with Andreas Xirtus
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XG always buying mattresses haha. The intro’s are fine in length! I’m here to hang out! chat it up!
HELL yah!!! Vegas for the 500 episode! cant fucking wait!
I have the 80’s Illuminati Card Game, and most of the 90’s one. They made the expansion packs, and I never finished the Card Collection. Now they are expensive on E-Bay.
Found on the CIA website…
Not exactly sure why those links are not working but simply google “The Illuminati Card Game CIA” and it should be the first 3 links
fuckin great episode
we go deep home boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Love the true history lesson. Interesting mormons thought there was an empire before them I wish I can accurately learn more about tartarians without speculation. Also I cant disprove that the unniverse is inside out the earth is concave and the heavens spin in the center. Nazis knew this, cults were built with this idea, some people in history hint at this with drawings or scripture ” and the earth stretches over the water. All the problems in the flat earth model it fixes and the convex earth model has a million excuses why they cant get the horizon point to match the curvature distance even when temperature and air preassure is steady its off. Light bends up from electro magnetic energy in the atmospher which in a concave earth would cause the light to bend up causeing boats to look like they dissapear hull first until you zoom in further and see them again.