About Sam Tripoli

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So far Sam Tripoli has created 1668 blog entries.

TFH #787: Spars Pandemic Aftermath With Monica Perez

Thank you so much for tuning in for another EMERGENCY episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode we welcome Monica Perez back to the show to revisit the Spars Pandemic Scenario Simulation that is being run step by step on us right now. This episode goes [...]

By |2024-06-26T09:43:08-08:00June 26, 2024|Tin Foil Hat|

TFH #786: Sacred Cows With Eddie Bravo

Thank you so much for tuning in for another episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode we welcome back the Prophet Eddie Bravo to the show to discuss the sacred cows you are not allowed to discuss. Nothin but bangers. Thank you for your support. Join [...]

By |2024-06-21T06:00:44-08:00June 21, 2024|Tin Foil Hat|

Deep Conspiracy Rewinds #53: Jeff Bezos and Magic Johnson’s AIDS (6/18/2024) [Premium Content]

Thank you for joining me for another episode of Deep Conspiracy Rewinds. This episode we do a deep dive on Really Gracefully's "Jeff Bezos" video and Jamie Dlux's "Magic Johnson Aids" video Please check out Really Gracefully's Linktree: https://linktr.ee/reallygracefulvids Please check out Jamie Dlux's Website: https://dluxnation.com/ [...]

By |2024-10-07T07:47:41-08:00June 19, 2024|Deep Conspiracy Rewinds, Premium|

Deep Waters: Egypt Was Probably Mexico

Sam and Dylan are back to break down energy in Ancient Egypt, Kate Middleton's return, jumper cables, meth gators, the honor of falling to Godzilla and more. Tickets to see Sam at samtripoli.com Follow Dylan here -   / dylanpetewrenn   PATREON IS HERE! Subscribe at Patreon.com/AkaDeepWaters for uncensored episodes and one [...]

By |2024-06-17T20:45:57-08:00June 17, 2024|Deep Waters|
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