It is interesting that in the video clip you showed of the gold being made. That in the subtitles Nicolas Flamel is mentioned 01:19:40 Not the one ripped off by Harry Potter. But the real one! Google him. And the timing again all aligns! The Philosphers Stone was aleged to give immortality! So did this guy steal it in the 17th Century? Clearly JK Rowling knew about it and completely stole the story for her first book.
In regard to the history comments. It is interesting that the written word was controlled by the elites and history as we know is mostly written by the victors. So you cannot really trust the written word. What is happening right now is the written word is being published online. And the growth of AI means that after say one genration after death of the writer it is very easy for massive corporations to simply alter en masse internet published documents. In a few generations all we experience right now can easily be refabricated into the corporate or political design. Many say yeah but all the videos… But we already know the technology to play video is now mainly software and one look at Deep Fake means that can equally be altered. So what about old media? Video Tapes degrade and the devices to play them also disappear. Even the DVD … How many machines come with a DVD player now? And thats not that long ago!!! So all the stored wisdom and family hstories will likely end up in landfill or converted to digital which will be stored by corporation who can manipulate the content at will! Remember book burning? Well it happened a very long time ago too! In the Library of Alexandria! All that knowledge lost. Imagine what was stored there. And the next book burning will be Digitally controlled by AI at the whim of the political and corporate elite.
Remember when Homer found a picture of himself on Japanese Dishwash detergent or something similar?
The concept of “everyone has a doppelganger currently on earth somewhere”, is a known thought experiment.
Have you ever used “create a character” in a game with a pretty impressively comprehensive level of detail? Hell, I once spent 15 mins changing °chin detent° on a guy in a *BASEBALL* game! I couldn’t even perceive what the fuck it was changing…..Just wasting my life attempting to decipher the change.
(How lame! 😂 Picking
clothing options for my Call of Duty loadout like my daughter accessorizing her Barbies). Anyway-
Every snowflake is unique and one of a kind, but …… I mean…. There’s only *so much* that even infinity itself can handle in my limited human mind.
Say there’s 83,510,647,060 possible combinations to “genetically” create my baseball guy. What are the odds that you would encounter one or two that look STRIKINGLY similar? However infinitesimal the odds, perhaps it’s possible. Or close enough in our human brain, which utilizes archetypes previously encountered for faster processing, to be a ‘holy shit’ match.
Especially if it’s a “famous” face that we’ve been staring at for all our existence on the big screen (monolith. Two thousand One?) and/or general collective conscious.
With that said, doesn’t that look JUST like Nicholas Cage!?!? Some of those “time traveler” photos are pretty intriguing. Talks of ancient statues closely resembling current day politicians and other figures are ….uhhh. thought provoking as well.
Y’all remember it turned out Homers image was the result of 2 corporations merging? They combined their images of a light bulb💡and a fish(?) 🐡 and it was Homers head or some shit 😂)
I’m sorry if I replied to you instead of creating my own. I’m not the brightest. Not sure, or maybe it’s just the site. (Most likely I’m just a moron. 👍 )
November 9, 2021 at 5:06 pmLog in to Reply
fuckin awesome one guys. I love the story of St. Germain, I heard it from mysterious universe a long time ago and Maverick brought some info they didn’t cover. You guys are awesome and brb I am going to go make lead into gold and make millions. see ya.
Maitreya figure? Very interesting show.
It is interesting that in the video clip you showed of the gold being made. That in the subtitles Nicolas Flamel is mentioned 01:19:40 Not the one ripped off by Harry Potter. But the real one! Google him. And the timing again all aligns! The Philosphers Stone was aleged to give immortality! So did this guy steal it in the 17th Century? Clearly JK Rowling knew about it and completely stole the story for her first book.
In regard to the history comments. It is interesting that the written word was controlled by the elites and history as we know is mostly written by the victors. So you cannot really trust the written word. What is happening right now is the written word is being published online. And the growth of AI means that after say one genration after death of the writer it is very easy for massive corporations to simply alter en masse internet published documents. In a few generations all we experience right now can easily be refabricated into the corporate or political design. Many say yeah but all the videos… But we already know the technology to play video is now mainly software and one look at Deep Fake means that can equally be altered. So what about old media? Video Tapes degrade and the devices to play them also disappear. Even the DVD … How many machines come with a DVD player now? And thats not that long ago!!! So all the stored wisdom and family hstories will likely end up in landfill or converted to digital which will be stored by corporation who can manipulate the content at will! Remember book burning? Well it happened a very long time ago too! In the Library of Alexandria! All that knowledge lost. Imagine what was stored there. And the next book burning will be Digitally controlled by AI at the whim of the political and corporate elite.
Remember when Homer found a picture of himself on Japanese Dishwash detergent or something similar?
The concept of “everyone has a doppelganger currently on earth somewhere”, is a known thought experiment.
Have you ever used “create a character” in a game with a pretty impressively comprehensive level of detail? Hell, I once spent 15 mins changing °chin detent° on a guy in a *BASEBALL* game! I couldn’t even perceive what the fuck it was changing…..Just wasting my life attempting to decipher the change.
(How lame! 😂 Picking
clothing options for my Call of Duty loadout like my daughter accessorizing her Barbies). Anyway-
Every snowflake is unique and one of a kind, but …… I mean…. There’s only *so much* that even infinity itself can handle in my limited human mind.
Say there’s 83,510,647,060 possible combinations to “genetically” create my baseball guy. What are the odds that you would encounter one or two that look STRIKINGLY similar? However infinitesimal the odds, perhaps it’s possible. Or close enough in our human brain, which utilizes archetypes previously encountered for faster processing, to be a ‘holy shit’ match.
Especially if it’s a “famous” face that we’ve been staring at for all our existence on the big screen (monolith. Two thousand One?) and/or general collective conscious.
With that said, doesn’t that look JUST like Nicholas Cage!?!? Some of those “time traveler” photos are pretty intriguing. Talks of ancient statues closely resembling current day politicians and other figures are ….uhhh. thought provoking as well.
Y’all remember it turned out Homers image was the result of 2 corporations merging? They combined their images of a light bulb💡and a fish(?) 🐡 and it was Homers head or some shit 😂)
I’m sorry if I replied to you instead of creating my own. I’m not the brightest. Not sure, or maybe it’s just the site. (Most likely I’m just a moron. 👍 )
fuckin awesome one guys. I love the story of St. Germain, I heard it from mysterious universe a long time ago and Maverick brought some info they didn’t cover. You guys are awesome and brb I am going to go make lead into gold and make millions. see ya.
Really great episode!!!