Was Jesus actually Jewish? Which religions are truly “Abrahamic”? Dustin Nemos joins us to answer those questions, and to dive into the demonic forces behind government authority at almost every level.
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Great guest. Johnny being an insufferable cunt once again
Banger!!! Loved the convo, Dustin goes hard in the paint.
I feel like Dustin got cut off with a short conversation here because he names “the Jews”. Nevertheless, Sam at least let him come on the program – sadly, Nemos has so much more to say and Sam needs to chill at the JEW word because JEW is simply a title for the modern race of globalist Nephilim, et al. I’m sure there are plenty of so-called “Jews” that aren’t even related to the bloodlines that Nemos talks about and if that’s a problem with anyone because people are calling out the “Jew”, they need to do some soul-searching. It’s no different than saying anyone who got a jab is f***ed because their DNA is now corrupted. It may and may not be true, but the fact remains that the worlds’ power structure are by-and-large run by or headed by named Jews and the modern state of Israel is of no relation to the Israel in the Bible – it is in fact a construct of the so-called “Jew World Order” that was established by the ancient black-hand banker families (who are typically “Jewish”). Anyhow, if you want more very interesting conversations with Dustin, I’d suggest looking at some recent interviews he did with Victor-Hugo Vaca, Jr. You can find his stuff on Bitchute, Rumble and Brighteon by searching “Victor Hugo Art” or following the links at victorhugocollection.com and of course Dustins’ site DustinNemos.com or TheSerapeum.com.
Thank you Sam, XG and Johnny for having Nemos on. I personally can’t say I agree with him on everything, but it’s time to get to the heart of the matter and stop thinking we can pussyfoot around the problem of the protected class called “Jews” and the state of Israel and all their puppets worldwide. Most of what is going on today and the problems we face stem from this problem and never knowing who the “enemy” is – when we put a label on it, we might as well say Jew. I think we all grew up thinking that “the Jew” was rightfully to be protected because of what happened at the, now debunked, Holocaust – but now we know better and that most of history is made up of lies or obfuscations. When it comes down to brass tacks, ye shall know your enemy by knowing who you cannot criticize. We know this now, and we must not be afraid to talk about it openly.
All the best and hallelujah.
Mad props as always Sam! And Mathew North was AWESOME! RIP If he’s really gone, so sad either way.
This guy is Black-pilled beyond belief.
Amazing Episode Wish it was way longer
he was really getting to the meat and potatoes of the biggest deceivers in our realm
really resonated with me so much
i need more of him, one of my biggest struggles right now is trying to talk about any of the depopulation of western Europe with my mother and family because they are always telling me we must protect Israel otherwise we wont be blessed
its gotten to the point that when i post something on Instagram she calls me crying telling me to take down my Anti Jewish posts because she says they will kill me and by gods law they should kill me..
i shared this episode with her and she was struggling to understand but it all makes sense
gods people are being slaughtered and raped by the worlds worst in Europe and in Ireland in particular..
it all makes sense now
Hate Bait Plant